Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy New Year Amigos!

We finally sold our condo on 12/21/2012- so the holidays were different this year. We are temporarily living with Grammie and Papa in Norwalk. And, Most of our packing was focused on packing "STUFF". And boy OY boy-we have a ton. Mommy thought she would make the holidays extra special and buy extra gifts. And ya know what - it was totally worth it. I count my blessings every day and sometimes I just want to spoil those blessings. I am their mom, can you blame me? We had a great holiday and new year with family and here is to having a home in 2013. Blessing to you and yours!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Holidays from the Coffins!

Many Memories Snowflake Holiday Card
Turn your family photos into holiday cards this season.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Coast to Coast with the Coffins

Is it July already? Our bloggin' skills have been a slackin'.

We had a busy and very eventful winter - but it takes craziness and life changes to help you appreciate what really matters, right? Jeff is feeling better and we have taken advantage of his ability to now drive and be able to ride in the front seat again.

As soon as Jeff got the green light from his doctors in NYC - we headed to Arizona, dropped off Maya and Gabriella (with their grandparents!) and then headed to California. Alecia had a business trip which had her staying at the Beverly Wilshire for 6 days, so Jeff had to come check it out. On the way to the Reg Bev Wilshire, we stopped at Disneyland for Jeff's birthday and met up with good theatre friends from Oneonta - Tommy, Kat (and her boyfriend Jeff). Then we saw a movie - which does not seem like a big deal - but we have not seen a movie in a theatre in awhile - so it was a really special day.

While Alecia worked at the Bev Wilshire, Jeff toured LA and Hollywood. We did see a few famous people along the way. Lainie Kazan from Big Fat Greek Wedding. and Bethany from Real Housewives.

The hotel was amazing and I swear if they were not looking - Alecia would have taken the bed and put it on top of the rental car. The most comfortable bed I have ever slept on!

We then headed back to Arizona and rejoined our girls and grandmom and grandpa Heidecker. Lots of shopping, a visit to a cool science museum and a big steak dinner for Grandmom and Grandpa's 41st anniversary on June 14th.

It was amazing to have some time together and then together with our girls - who just started preschool on the 27th of June. They are the tiniest girls in the class - but seem to be holding their own and having fun. Maya and Gabriella continue to say funny things (Gabriella telling me she was married - married to a little lamb) and Maya telling Jeff that she did not have grass her - but "mulch daddy". They love wonder pets, their babies and music.

So, here is a summer full of wonder, music and babies - who are growing up fast!

Note - the pic of Ella napping - is after the red eye flight. She just crashed after being up a loooong time.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall in Love

The girls continue to amaze me. Maya is talking so much now. And has expressed how much she loves TV (I want TV mama) and Elmo (My Elmo). I read an article that that girl who played Blossom (remember Blossom and all those hats?) does not even have a TV in her house! I envy her! Anyway,I digress. Maya loves to jump, sing and eat - that girl loves food! And Ella - loves singing, and playing with her baby dolls. Yesterday at daycare - she was making play doh pancakes for her baby doll. So, cute. Ella is sometimes more quiet than Maya - but when she talks - there is no stopping her!

The Fall has been busy - as our lives are usually. Work has me traveling a great deal - which has been fun - but exhausting for both Jeff and I. But, we got a jump start on the holiday photos this year. And took these at the end of September with our photographer Erin Bell. Who is Fabulous.

Looking forward to the holidays and more fun-filled Coffin adventures!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy Birthday, Maya and Gabriella!!!!

Yesterday was the girls' second birthday. I don't want to be cliche and say something like "How fast it goes", but, uhhh...yeah. Seriously.

The party isn't until October 17 this year, because Alecia has been bouncing from coast to coast for the last month. But they did get new baby dolls from their Mama, which they both love. They haven't been out of their sights for 24 hours.

Here's another quick picture. I'm sure there will be more after their party!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hot Fun in the Summer

I can not believe that July is almost over and it must be a busy summer - because I have been blog lazy.

It has been a busy summer. We started the hot summer fun with Jeff's 40th birthday festivities. We had friends from all over to celebrate the end of the 30's. Then, we went cruising to Canada...on a 4 day escape to OH CANADA. It was great to get away. We had a great time and I am thankful that grandma and papa coffin could take care of the girls.

Work has been busy for both Jeff and I. Jeff has had several urgent projects and I seem to have a bunch of travel this summer. In August, we plan on heading out west and meeting up with grandmom and grandpa heidecker. I will have to work - but it is always nice to see my parents for a few days when travel allows.

This past weekend, Jeff had to work - so the girls and I visited great oma and had some fun in the park. The weather was so hot...101 degrees. But, we did have fun...drinking apple juice and hanging with the family. There is nothing better than a sippy cup filled with apple juice.

The girls continue to develop more words and are very expressive. They love to dance and listen to hip hop music. Ella's hair continues to curl and get bigger by the day. Maya refuses to let you touch her hair and likes to go with the crazy toddler girl hair style. Ella started running this weekend and is figuring out how to jump like her sister. Oh, and the toddler tantrums have started. It is hard not to laugh, because babies get twisted over the funniest things. Like having to change their diaper or if they want to walk up the stairs instead of being carried. Are the terrible two's almost upon us? Oy vey.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Have an "Eggcellent" Easter!

There was an Easter Egg hunt in Greenwich last week (3/27) and I was excited. Being Jewish, I never got to experience the hunt for eggs - so the visions that filled my head were exciting. Picture this, a serene lawn filled with easter eggs. The eggs are filled with all of Hershey's delights. Then, reality hit in.

40 deegrees. Cold. Screaming kids. Muddy Fields from the rain. Scarey Easter Bunnies that made Gabriella scream. Maya stood in the field and cried. Gabriella screamed. Our camera died after 4 pictures. But, we did get a whole bbunch of plastic eggs. And the girls take delight in splilling them and throwing them at each other. (it must be a sister thing!).

The girls are now 18 months and they run around, love Elmo (sorry Melissa!), talk a whole bunch although for the exception of a few words - I do not know what they are saying. They also love to do sign language and are addicted to these signing DVD's that a friend recommended us (thanks Melissa!).

Here are some school photos that we were taken a few weeks ago. Love the plastic flowers. The girls are now in Toddler 1 - and are learning their ABC's, how to clean up after they play, eating with a fork, and they love to sing and dance.

Jeff and I are glad it is Spring and hope there are no surprise snow storms coming to CT. too much rain and snow this winter - thank you. Happy Easter, Passover and etc....