Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy New Year Amigos!

We finally sold our condo on 12/21/2012- so the holidays were different this year. We are temporarily living with Grammie and Papa in Norwalk. And, Most of our packing was focused on packing "STUFF". And boy OY boy-we have a ton. Mommy thought she would make the holidays extra special and buy extra gifts. And ya know what - it was totally worth it. I count my blessings every day and sometimes I just want to spoil those blessings. I am their mom, can you blame me? We had a great holiday and new year with family and here is to having a home in 2013. Blessing to you and yours!


Unknown said...

The girls are beautiful. I didn't know you had a blog too.

CheapAndChicNYC said...

I do have a blog! Not as interesting as yours. :) But I have fun with it every once in awhile.