Sunday, December 27, 2009

Snow, Holidays and Belly Buttons

This holiday was definitely different than last year. I remember two babies nestled in their baby carriers sitting under a tree last year. This year was SO MUCH BETTER. The girls did not quite understand the meaning of the holiday - but they understood a few things like ELMO. Maya loves Elmo. We got one those Elmo's that sings and waves its arms all around. She loves it. She talks to it, looks at us, and then talks to it more. Ella loves paper. We have known her affections for paper for awhile. Every time she saw a gift - she felt the need to take the paper off. Some gifts not even hers. But, that is the job of having two 14 month olds.

Well, we enjoyed our first snow storm on the 19th. Not quite the 18"-20" - the meteorologists (can we say this is the best job in the world?) predicted - but we still got about a foot. This was the first snow we were able to take the girls in. First there was curiosity, then 5 minutes later, Maya was over it. (takes after her dad).

Then, on to Christmas. A 3 day holiday this year due to family obligations. While daddy had to work for the man on Christmas Eve - mommy piled the girls into the RAV4 to see Great Grandma and her aide for lunch. Grandma kept calling Maya a boy..but when you are 82 - you excuse these things. Then we made it back in time for holiday mass and dinner at Grammy and Papa's.

Christmas morning was awesome. Mommy got a J Jill dress and the girls got a pony from Grandpa and Grandmom in Arizona as well as some pop up books. Daddy got some rockin' jeans and a new video game for his Wii and also a flip cam so we can populate this blog with more insane stuff.

We had brunch at the Rosen's. Then the girls gave us the best Christmas gift EVER. A 3 hour nap. The girls, mommy, daddy all settled down for a long winter's nap and it was fabulous! Then Christmas dinner...back at Grammy and Papa's. More gifts, more food. Life is good!


Then on to day 3 (the day after Christmas) for more festivities at Grammie and Papa's and Aunt Jenny, Uncle Bill, Cousins Lauren and Catherine. The girls got a ton more stuff. And mommy and daddy got a wii fit (so exciting) and a new video camera. And Maya found her belly button and loves to show it off to everyone cause to her it is the coolest thing in the entire world...maybe even cooler than Elmo?

So, as this year comes to a close. I would like to reflect on a few things. The good friends we have who have gotten me through some rough times this year.

Work is business and not personal. Sometimes hard to remember when you are asked to give your life to the man...but it is just business at the end of the day.

My family. Close and far away. And for the ones who do not want to talk to us...they are losing out, we are not. I am concentrating this next year on what I have ...and not what I do not have or do not need in my life...and that is DRAMA. Enough of you...go away. (They do not read this blog, but it does feel cleansing saying that).

And Jeff, who is amazing and puts up with my bs (and I fling much of it often) but he is calm and wonderful and is my soul mate. And I love him so much. We have beautiful, amazing babies and he is a wonderful father. He is just fabulous.

Here is to a great 2010. I hope to see more friends and family and a year full of laughter and maybe...a bigger house? That would be nice....a big kitchen and a driveway! Oh, I dreamed a dream....For now. We have a roof over our heads and heat. Life is good.!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Here's to a year with less drama and lots of love. XOXO Melissa, Jim and Graham