Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fun Fall Weekend

Today was such a GORGEOUS day. And we connected with a photographer to get some holiday photos for the family - as I refused to go to crazy-ass Sears again. I was surprised we got out of there alive last year. Seriously. Well, I convinced Jeff we needed to get new photos for the grandparents, godparents, aunt, uncle and great-grandmas - and we had so much fun at our mini-photo shoot. The sun finally emerged and it ended up being a fabulous afternoon. We met Erin (the photographer) in Darien at Tilly Park and our girls were just great. So, now we will have some holiday cheer with our two little angels. The girls continue to amaze us. Maya says words like mine, baby and up. Gabriella continues to laugh and giggle - which makes us laugh and giggle and then she giggle even more! The walking thing is not happening yet for Ella - but when she does...I know it will add a new meaning to chaos!

Can anyone else find it hard to believe Thanksgiving is in 10 days?

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