Friday, July 3, 2009

A Day Off and it's Sunny!

So, today the Coffin family piled in our RAV4 and made our way up to Quassy-for some amusement park fun. We saw a magic show, rode the Carousel twice, the train twice and Maya hit the Saturation Station. The girls wore their new bathing suits and looked super cute. It was a great way to spend the day.

Maya is now crawling. She started sitting up on June 6th and then started crawling on June 13th...slow but steady. Then June 20th....she not only crawled like a champ - but also started pulling herself up. Gabriella continues to talk up a storm, roll everywhere...and just got up on all fours yesterday. Daddy and Mommy can't Wait until everyone crawls...which should make for some interesting adventures.

Happy 1st 4th of July Maya and Gabriella and everyone else!!!

1 comment:

Abby said...

What great faces! These girls are too cute for words.