Tuesday, May 26, 2009

School Photo Day

Maya and Gabriella continue to blossom like Spring flowers. Maya flips herself over - and although she is not crawling (yet) she manages to roll over to everything she should not be touching. Wires, Coasters, and turning our Wii on/off. A sea of toys and Maya chooses to chomp on a wooden coaster.

Gabriella now flips over as well. She is chatting up a storm - especially at 3am when her sister likes to wake up (EVERYBODY) to tell us how she really feels about her new fabulous teeth. They are a real scream! Those little chompers continue to hide - but we ALL know they are there.

The girls had their first school photos taken. This photographer was pretty amazing - and the pictures were super affordable - DOUBLE DEAL! The pictures just came in time for our trip out to visit Grandmom and Grandpa in Arizona - so now the Arizona grandparents have tons of pictures to get them through to their next visit with the girls in September.

BTW - Mother's Day was amazing - Daddy and the Girls let mommy take a nap, made her a delicious breakfast and change very few diapers. Overall - a successful day. Does that mean that mommy needs to change all the diapers on Father's Day? Yeah.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

looks like they are ready to take on broadway :) so cute