Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Babies Keeping Spirits Warm in a Cold Winter!

January has been cold in Connecticut - but that has not stopped the warmth in this house. The babies are really showing their personalities. Maya is a bundle of energy - smiling and socializing. Gabriella loves mornings (who is this child related to? Not this mommy or daddy!) and is a happy smiling baby when she wakes mommy and daddy up at 6:30am on Saturday mornings. 92 Ledgebrook runs on Dunkin' and those delightful creamers that come in assorted flavors. I hate that I have to drink caffeine and that the people at Dunkin Donuts know how I like my coffee. But, it gets me through the day!

Maya and Gabriella started daycare on January 20th and mommy is getting used to the whole school thing. Teachers and Parties - and packing liquid lunches. A whole new baby world! The girls seem to really like daycare - so much that they are EXHAUSTED by 8:30pm. Good when you want to watch evening television and have dinner. Bad when babies want to play at 4:30am. We do not do anything well at 4:30am - especially PLAY GAMES AND SING SONGS. But, we will survive.

We had a special visit from cousin Moshe on January 25th- only 4 days older than Maya and Gabriella and a super cutey! Maya and Moshe enjoyed having a baby conversation over colorful blocks. They were quite the social babies! The talk of the town! I do not know what these babies werw talking about - but after Moshe left Maya and Gabriella took naps!

January is coming to an end - but it was a great way to kick off a new year and a new presidency. The economy may be bleak, the weather chilly, but we have babies - and that is pretty darn awesome. We also have caffeine - which is AMAZING.

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