Friday, October 17, 2008

Adventures of two 2 Week Olds

Well, the last two weeks have been busy. I have realized as a new mommy that even though you set out to do certain tasks (like eat a sandwich) they sometimes become delayed by several hours when two babies are demanding food or diaper changes. And the days of sleeping in seem to be a distant memory. Jeff takes the night shift until roughly 2am and then I take over until about 8am. My parents have been helping us out - so my dad (grandpa) enjoys watching the plummeting stock market and feeding babies in the morning. I still can not figure out how to feed two babies at once. But, Gabriella is a little more patient with mommy than Maya is - so poor Gabriella entertains herself while Maya gets fed, changed and rocked back to sleep. Who knew that all those MBA classes in organizational management would come in so handy?

So, we had our first pediatrician appointment. Maya and Gabriella are doing great and gaining weight. Maya is now 5 pounds 6 ounces and Gabriella is now 5 pounds 12 ounces. They are both eating every 2-4 hours.

We have had several baths as well. Maya and Gabriella enjoy the baths and especially the Johnson and Johnson scalp massage.

Daddy enjoys reading to the girls. Which I find so darn cute. I enjoy singing songs to them and making up new lyrics to songs. Watch out Mozart!!!

We also have had several visitors. Aunt Arlene, Great Grandma Oma (91 years young), Cousin Leslie, Grammy and Pop Pop Coffin, Aunt Louise and Uncle Perry.

So, life has changed in the Coffin household. But we are having fun - and love our beautiful girls. The cats love them too - so much Emily keeps wanting to climb into the bassinet. Oh, the joy of parenthood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are just so absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!