Monday, October 12, 2009

You Say its Your Birthday!

Happy Birthday to our girls! Thanks to a lot of hard work and planning on the part of their mother, the girls had a great first birthday party. Thanks to everyone who came to help us celebrate and congratulate the girls on all the growing they've done for the year!

The "cupcake" party could not have been more fun. I hardly noticed that I was sick at all! The girls got a lot of presents and a lot of love, and everyone had a good time and ate too much. What more could you want? Here are a few of my favorite photos from the evening.

Maya and her balloon. The balloons were all helium, blown up by right before the party. The girls loved them.

Here's a shot of the girls opening their
gifts. I'm not sure they really understood,
but they found things to amuse themselves.

They both enjoyed the ribbon...

And playing with their cousins...
(That's Gabriella with cousin Lauren, and Maya with cousin Catherine.)

And their toys and cards ...

At the end of the night, we had two tired but happy little girls - although the tired wins out in these shots.

Happy birthday, Gabriella & Maya!


Abby said...

Happy Birthday, girls!
Those little ladies certainly do look exhausted.

Amanda said...

Happy Belated Birthday Ladies! xoxo