Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ella Gets a Modeling Gig for Fisher Price

So, excitement abounds in the Coffin Household! Gabriella landed a print job modeling gig for Fisher Price. Maya auditioned too - but I have not broke the news to her that she did not get it. Well, today was the big day and Ella was happy as a bouncy seat when she woke up. But, disaster struck when those cameras started flashing. She was super serious - and was just not "feeling" it. Tried to feed her and hold her - and then she fell asleep. Oh, baby. Well, after being there for about an hour and a half...the nice photo people said - we got what we need! In other words- get out of here!!!

Poor Ella - but she did get paid. Happy or Not - we have more clams for College. Baby modeling is really only a back-up gig - a doctorate of law if what Ella was really striving for....and Maya - a doctorate of Bio-Physics!

Happy Half Birthday Maya and Gabriella!

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